GRDA Grant Helps Fund Myers Park Playground Replacement Project

Written by Elly Hebert, Submitted by Dawn Dodson, City of Stillwater

Myers Park is one step closer to welcoming children back to its playground, thanks to a  $17,500 grant from the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA). 

The funds, secured through the partnership between Stillwater Utilities Authority (SUA) and GRDA, will  partially fund the much-needed playground equipment for both toddlers and older children, and new  safety surfaces. Barbara Bliss, Director of Parks and Community Resources, has been working to secure  funding for the project, which is expected to cost between $60,000 and $80,000. 

“We are so appreciative of the sponsorship from GRDA and the initiative Loren Smith and Stillwater  Electric took to research where the money could be used and to apply for this grant,” Bliss said. “This  donation will assist in funding a new playground at Myers Park and will allow us to continue our mission  to improve our neighborhood parks in Stillwater.” 

Loren Smith, Director of Stillwater Electric Utility, saw an opportunity to use the funds for a pressing  community need after learning about Myers Park’s playground closure due to safety concerns. 

“The partnership between GRDA and SUA is very important to our community,” Smith said. “After  hearing a very informative council presentation regarding Myers Park and the need for funding, staff  began discussions with GRDA to see if they could provide financial support for the project. GRDA  allocates funding for projects like this annually for their municipal customers. The public power model is  strong in Stillwater, and supporting our community is what makes us proud. The generous sponsorship  from GRDA supports a partnership between the SUA and the community we proudly serve.” 

City Councilor and Master Parks and Community Resources Subcommittee member Kevin Clark noted  the collaborative efforts that made the grant possible. 

“This grant is the latest example of the tremendous partnership SUA has enjoyed with GRDA for many  years,” Clark said. “The grant allows us to proceed with our plan to implement upgrades at Myers Park,  improvements requested by park neighbors through participation in a recent survey. I appreciate Director Loren Smith for thinking of applying for the grant after observing a parks presentation at a  recent City Council meeting and taking the initiative to apply.” 

Collaborative efforts across multiple City departments and leaders provided valuable direction to move  this initiative forward and better serve the residents of Stillwater. Assistant City Manager Christy Driskel  coordinated efforts to ensure the project aligned with the City's broader goals to improving quality of life. The Parks and Community Resources Subcommittee, composed of Councilor Kevin Clark and Vice  Mayor Amy Dzialowski, also provided valuable leadership and support. 

“This is just one example of how the city works together for the betterment of our community,” Driskel  said. “We deeply appreciate our relationship with GRDA as a public power community and value the  impact this partnership brings. We look forward to moving Myers Park forward with GRDA’s  contribution and can’t wait to see smiling faces at play.” 

The City of Stillwater extends its sincere gratitude to GRDA for their generosity and support. This grant  not only brings Myers Park closer to reopening but also reflects GRDA’s commitment to enhancing the  quality of life for their municipal customers. Their willingness to collaborate and invest in meaningful  projects highlights the value of the long-standing partnership between GRDA and the Stillwater Utilities  Authority. By contributing to this project, GRDA is helping to create a space where children can play  safely, families can gather, and the community can thrive. 

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