Corrections Log

"To err is human, to forgive divine"
ā€“ from Alexander Pope's poem An Essay on Criticism


Issue 1, page 6:

I forgot to add this after "April Marriages":

> "The following marriage licenses were filed in the offices of Lori Allen, Payne County Court Clerk, from April 1 to April 24."

And this after "April Divorces":

> "The following divorce petitions were filed in the offices of Lori Allen, Payne County Court Clerk, from April 1 to April 24."

Website Posts

In the "Persimmon Hill Farm and Bakery's "Pi Day" Smash" article, I corrected three slight variations of the Bakery's name. It is now officially "Persimmon Hill Farm and Bakery".


With apologies to Maxine, I found that I left out an 'n' in her last name. It's now updated on the website.